Operational teams across the company collaborate by sharing insight and continually looking for ways to improve and run a safe operation.
Voluntary safety reporting
We have a well-established and robust safety reporting program that is accessible to every employee. Valuable information and insights are garnered from these reports that help our safety experts tackle issues big and small.
The company has an app to report safety incidents that is available on frontline employee devices, making reporting quicker and easier. This convenience factor is key in enabling the receipt of timely, safety-related information. Nearly 50% of reports were submitted via the safety app and are especially prevalent among our newly tenured employees.
Safety reports identify potential hazards in the system and are shared with process owners through our SMS. We continue to focus on data analysis to identify potential risk areas and risk mitigation effectiveness. Resolutions and corrections that stem from the program are communicated throughout the company to support safety promotion.
In 2023, we began to incorporate employee qualification metrics into our aggregate safety data to better understand how overall workgroup seniority contributes to safety events.