Operating revenue | ||||
2023 in $M | 2022 in $M | 2021 in $M | 2020 in $M | |
Operating revenue (GAAP) | 53,717 | 44,955 | 24,634 | 15,355 |
Operating expense | ||||
2023 in $M | 2022 in $M | 2021 in $M | 2020 in $M | |
Operating expense (GAAP) | 49,506 | 42,618 | 25,656 | 21,714 |
Less: Special charges (A) | -949 | -140 | 3,367 | 2,616 |
Equals: Operating expense, excluding special operating expense (non-GAAP) | 48,557 | 42,478 | 29,023 | 24,330 |
Less: Employee salaries and related costs | -14,787 | -11,466 | -9,566 | -9,522 |
Equals: Non-labor operating costs | 33,770 | 31,012 | 19,457 | 14,808 |
Operating income | ||||
2023 in $M | 2022 in $M | 2021 in $M | 2020 in $M | |
Operating income (GAAP) | 4,211 | 2,337 | -1,022 | -6,359 |
Less: Operating expense: special charges (A) | 949 | 140 | -3,367 | -2,616 |
Equals: Operating income, excluding special operating expense (non-GAAP) | 5,160 | 2,477 | -4,389 | -8,975 |
Net income | ||||
2023 in $M | 2022 in $M | 2021 in $M | 2020 in $M | |
Net income (GAAP) | 2,618 | 737 | -1,964 | -7,069 |
Add/less: Operating and non-operating expenses: special charges, net of income taxes | 719 | 94 | -2,524 | -634 |
Equals: Adjusted net income (non-GAAP) | 3,337 | 831 | -4,488 | -7,703 |
Special charges (operating expenses) | ||||
2023 in $M | 2022 in $M | 2021 in $M | 2020 in $M | |
Total | 949 | 140 | -3,367 | -2,616 |
Severance and benefit costs | 0 | 0 | 438 | 575 |
Impairment of assets | 0 | 0 | 97 | 318 |
Labor contract ratification bonuses | 814 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Sale of assets and other special gains/losses, net | 135 | 140 | 119 | 27 |
CARES Act grant | 0 | 0 | -4,021 | -3,536 |
Special charges (non-operating expenses) | ||||
2023 in $M | 2022 in $M | 2021 in $M | 2020 in $M | |
Total, net of income taxes | -230 | -46 | 843 | 1,982 |
Unrealized (gains) losses on investments, net | -27 | -20 | 34 | 194 |
Loss on extinguishment of debt and other | 11 | 7 | 50 | 0 |
Non-operating credit loss on BRW Term Loan and related guarantee | 0 | 0 | 0 | 697 |
Non-operating special termination benefits and settlement losses | 0 | 0 | 31 | 687 |
Income tax expense (benefit) related to special charges | -214 | -33 | 728 | 404 |
Special charges (total) | ||||
2023 in $M | 2022 in $M | 2021 in $M | 2020 in $M | |
Total operating and non-operating charges, net | 719 | 94 | -2,524 | -634 |
Direct economic value generated | ||||
2023 in $M | 2022 in $M | 2021 in $M | 2020 in $M | |
Revenue | 53,717 | 44,955 | 24,634 | 15,355 |
Economic value distributed | ||||
2023 in $M | 2022 in $M | 2021 in $M | 2020 in $M | |
Non-labor operating costsFootnote 1 | 34,719 | 31,152 | 16,090 | 12,192 |
Employee salaries and related costs | 14,787 | 11,466 | 9,566 | 9,522 |
Payments to providers of capital | -1,956 | -1,778 | -1,657 | -1,063 |
Economic value retained | ||||
2023 in $M | 2022 in $M | 2021 in $M | 2020 in $M | |
Net incomeFootnote 1 | 2,618 | 737 | -1,964 | -7,069 |
Operating incomeFootnote 1 | 4,211 | 2,337 | -1,022 | -6,359 |
Shareholder value | ||||
2023 in $ | 2022 in $ | 2021in $ | 2020 in $ | |
Share price at Dec. 31 | 41.26 | 37.7 | 43.78 | 43.25 |
Share price range | 57.61-33.90 | 51.90-31.20 | 62.45-39.06 | 89.74-19.92 |
- Pursuant to SEC Regulation G, UAL has included the above reconciliation of reported Non-GAAPfinancial measures to comparable financial measures reported on a GAAP basis. UAL believes that adjusting for special items is useful to investors because special charges are indicative of UAL’s ongoing performance. UAL believes that adjusting for unrealized (gains) losses on investments, net is useful to investors because those unrealized gains or losses may not ultimately be realized on a cash basis. UAL believes that adjusting for interest expense related to finance leases of Embraer ERJ145 aircraft is useful to investors because of the accelerated recognition of interest expense. For additional information related to special items, see the 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K