Inspiring the next generation of leaders

United is committed to the success of future generations. By investing in programs that encourage the next generation of leaders, we're making sure our business and the communities we serve will be successful for years to come.

Funding supports:

Aviation focused organizations that inspire and provide access for young people from any background to pursue careers in aviation.

Global citizenship organizations that are encouraging young people to develop the knowledge, skills and values they need to engage with the world, making it more a more equal, fair and sustainable place.

Donors partnership

In honor of National Aviation Day on August 19, 2023, we committed $1.25 million through DonorsChoose.Org to fund aviation, science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) teacher projects as millions of students headed back to school.

Some examples of projects funded include:

  • Flight simulators
  • Drones to practice reading technical text, coding and flying
  • Model planes, straw rockets and launchers

Total impact

$1,250,000dollars applied

2,545projects funded

1,649teachers with projects funded

1,060schools participating

99%of projects were from schools with 50% or more students from low-income households

A pie chart representing the classroom grade levels we served during our partnership with

  • We helped 31.8% of PreK to 2nd grade classrooms, represented in dark blue
  • We helped 31.1% of 3rd to 5th grade classrooms, represented in blue
  • We helped 18.3% of 6th to 8th grade classrooms, represented in light blue
  • We helped 18.8% of 9th to 12th grade classrooms, represented in purple

A pie chart representing the resources we provided to classrooms during our partnership with

  • We gave 30.1% of instructional technology, represented in light blue
  • We gave 19.5% of educational kits & games, represented in purple
  • We gave 15.8% of computers & tablets, represented in green
  • We gave 11.3% of other, represented in deep blue
  • We gave 6.7% of lab equipment, represented in dark blue
  • We gave 6.3% of art supplies, represented in blue
  • We gave 5.4% of classroom basics, represented in pink
  • We gave 4.9% of food, clothing & hygiene, represented in yellow

Thank you so much for your very generous donation to my project. My students are using this project to learn to fly. Many of my students are signed up to use our simulator in order to learn the basic of powered flight. Your donation has allowed me to train my students to fly in a more realistic environment. Without your generous contribution this endeavor would not be what is today.

Mr. FrankGrades 9-12 California teacher

Girls attending Girls in Aviation Day

Girls in Aviation Day

In September of 2023, we celebrated our biggest-ever Girls in Aviation Day (GIAD) worldwide. More than 800 girls and 130+ volunteers participated around the world at 33 different events. From learning about the different careers in aviation to seeing engines and flight decks up close, there were smiles all around.

Since 2016, we’ve hosted more than 2,000 girls for GIAD events at our stations around the world.