
United partners with nonprofit organizations to create a meaningful, positive impact in the communities where we live and fly. We align our giving strategy with the company’s purpose, values and priorities to build more resilient communities around the globe.

Key Highlights

$25.8Mcorporate contributions to charitable causes - $11.8 million in cash, $12.8 million in in-kind travel and $1.2 million in employee giving

50,045hours of volunteering during the year

Community impact

Our approach is built around four cornerstones: disaster relief and recovery, building inclusion, inspiring leadership and STEM education, along with environmental sustainability. These cornerstones guide how we invest and how we maximize our positive impact.

Employee volunteerism

We’re all coming together to show how Good Leads The Way at United. Our people build stronger local relationships as they give back to their communities.

Responding to crisis

United responds to natural and manmade disasters by using our aircraft and global network to deliver much-needed relief supplies and volunteers to impacted areas.

Building inclusion

United strives to create an environment in our offices, airports and the world where acceptance and appreciation of everyone is the norm.

Inspiring the next generation of leaders

United is committed to the success of future generations. By investing in programs that encourage the next generation of leaders through STEM education, we’re making sure our business and the communities we serve will be successful for years to come.