Corporate Responsibility Report
Key Highlights
513frontline employees promoted into management roles
A-CDP score
SBTimid-term targets validated
“At United, we’re committed to being a force for good. I can see that our efforts to create the world’s leading airline are paying off and I am excited by the opportunities we are creating. We will continue on this flight path by focusing on doing the right thing for our business, our people and our customers.”

Scott KirbyChief Executive Officer
UN Global Compact commitment
We have been committed to the Ten Principles set forth by the UN Global Compact for over a decade, and they continue to guide the decisions we make across the organization. This report, which sets out how we bring our purpose to life through our business, covers how we managed our environmental, social and governance (ESG) responsibilities for calendar year 2023 and sets out how we implement the Global Compact principles in the areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption. Our report is fully accessible online for all stakeholders to access. The report opens with a letter from our Chief Executive Officer Scott Kirby, which further reaffirms our support of and commitment to the UN Global Compact now and in the future.